- Mechanical locking systems
New locking system packing
“A packaging concept which saves a lot of time and money”.

What was the initial spark that made you think about a new packaging concept?
Ingo Küpper: In principle, we are permanently working on the improvement of our product and service portfolio. What drives us is our ambition to gear the processes of the value chain fully to the needs of our customers, from order processing to manufacture, assembly and delivery. The best example is our 48-hour delivery programme which immensely facilitates the work of both developers and owners and is still very much in demand. It was therefore only natural to have a look at the downstream processes and explore their optimisation potential. Surely it must be possible, we thought, to simplify and redesign the goods receiving inspection, the installation of the locking system and the delivery of the keys to the user in a way which saves both time and money. With our bespoke packaging concept, we believe to have developed a convincing solution.
Which obstacles had to be overcome on the way to the final concept?
The biggest challenge certainly was to create a uniform packaging – after all, each locking system is absolutely unique in its type, complexity and scope.
What do you consider an ideal packaging concept?
Our solution is based on a modular system comprising individual trays in which each locking cylinder and each key has its own dedicated slot. The trays are handy, can be stacked, and permit a flexible compilation as required by the kind and scope of the locking system. For safe transport, corrugated cardboard boxes of three different sizes are available which can be bundled just as required by the size of the locking system. The combination of Neopor trays and corrugated cardboard boxes ensures a very high level of protection of the products and remains stable in all kinds of weather. What is more, the packaging can be recycled in an environmentally compatible way through the regular recovery systems.
Due to the high level of complexity and variability of our locking systems, a new software had to be programmed. This software runs through all items of the locking plan and determines the optimum packaging units. With regard to the locking system type and the different installation phases, all locking cylinders and keys are assigned to the matching tray in accordance with their order in the locking plan. The software-generated packing list simplifies checking the incoming goods, as well as quickly finding the correct cylinders in the package during installation.
Where do you see the biggest benefit for the specialized dealers?
The storage of keys and cylinders in separate trays offers decisive advantages for our dealers. When the locking system is installed, all single or group keys which are not required for the installation either remain safely with the dealer or are handed over to the future user. The user can then already start handing out the respective keys to employees or flat owners. This saves time and money in the entire process.